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Middle School Granby Meet and tomorrow (Thurs)

Middle School parents-

As I mentioned earlier, the Western Mass. Middle School XC Invitational is next Thursday, October 25 in Dufresne Park, Granby, MA. The first race is at 4:10. We have a bus taking us there and back. This is a half day for Glenbrook and Williams, so the Longmeadow kids will get dismissed and then have to come back to school to pick up the bus. The bus will leave Birchland Park at 2:10, Glenbrook at 2:20, and Williams at 2:30. This should give us enough time to walk the course before the race. The bus will return back to these same schools.

Please let me know--one way or the other--if your child is running and whether he/she will be on the bus. Our entries are due Sunday, 10/21.

Reminder that middle schoolers will be practicing at Forest Park tomorrow (Thursday)--same meeting place as before.

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