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Track Meet Information and Order of Events

Track Parents-

We’re excited to kick off our first meet of the season tomorrow, Saturday, at the Longmeadow High School track. Here is the order of events. We will begin the first event promptly at 9 am. Coaches and volunteers should arrive at 8:40 to be briefed on their assignments. BRING warm clothes--winter coats, hats, gloves. It will be in the mid-40s to 50 degrees. And bring water bottles.

Running Events:

1600m (all groups) (begin at 9:00)

Group 1 100m

Group 2 100m

Group 3 100m

Group 4 100m

Group 1 400m

Group 2 400m

Group 3 400m

Group 4 400m

Field Events

Group 4 Long Jump (begin at 9:00)

Group 3 Long Jump

Group 2 Long Jump

Group 1 Long Jump

Group 2 Shot Put (begin at 9:00)

Group 3 Shot Put

Group 4 Shot Put

Group 1 Shot Put

For those new to track & field, a meet can feel a little chaotic at times. NOTE that running and field events will be taking place at the same time. In the event of a conflict between a running event and field event, the running event takes priority. Your child should leave the field event after telling the official, go to the running event, and then return to complete the field event. Don’t worry….for this first meet, we will go a little slower than usual to make sure the kids know where they need to be and what they need to do.


In this meet, your kids will compete on their color teams against other kids in the program. We call this an "intraprogram meet." So wear your color T-shirts. The white singlets will be used for later meets against other programs. If you do not know your child's color team or number, please go to the website,

Bib Number

Your child must wear his/her bib number. Please RETAIN your bib number for the rest of season. You will use it at each meet. If you have not gotten a bib number or have not picked up your packet, go to the scorer's table or see Leanne McQuade near the concessions building.

Weather--stay warm!

It looks to be chilly on Saturday. Bring winter coats, hats, and gloves. These can be worn while your child is waiting and then taken off just before competing.


There is a porta-pottie across the street at the baseball field. Parks and Rec had ordered a porta-pottie for the track for us, but it got delivered to the wrong place. I am assured it will be moved.

Weather Cancellations

Although the weather looks good (albeit cold) for tomorrow, please check your email on Saturday mornings if the weather is looking iffy. I will send an email cancelling the meet between 7 am and 8 am if we are going to cancel. If you hear nothing, you can assume the meet is on.


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