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Meet Results and Cross Country Information

Track Parents:

The results from Saturday's Family Fun Day Meet are posted on the website, It was a big event with 5 running events and 3 field events. We had 171 program athletes, parents, and siblings take part. There were 497 individual performances. This was the biggest Family Fun Day in the program's history.

Nicholas Cassidy, Faith Taylor, Gabriel Macias, and Ada Grant took home King and Queen of the Track honors in the 100, 400, and 1600. Faith, Gabe, and Ada defended their crowns from 2017.

Ribbons will be available in a few days at the Parks and Rec office as the practices this week will be limited to kids running in the June 16 USATF meet in Fitchburg.

Cross Country

Cari and I are leading the fall cross country program. This is year 2 of cross country, and last year was really special. We had in-town races and away meets, and the spirit was similar to track but with smaller numbers and obviously an emphasis on long distance running. Attached is a flyer. The website will have more information as we get closer to the start of season, which is September 4. Registration is with the Longmeadow Parks and Rec website.

Also on the Parks and Rec website is registration for a Track/Cross Country clinic July 16-20. It is being put on by Coach Kerv from the high school and some of her athletes. She did a clinic for our cross country kids last year and it was very well received.


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